Infrastructure as Code Foundation
This course provides the foundational knowledge required to design and implement an infrastructure and configuration management strategy. It starts by looking at cloud infrastructure — IaaS, PaaS, and some modern native app options — before moving on to look at Infrastructure-as-Code. You’ll learn what Infrastructure-as-Code means and the tools and technologies that are used to deploy and manage it.
Also, you’ll learn about some of the more common Infrastructure-as-Code tools and technologies: Terraform, AWS Resource Manager.
- 6 months of working knowledge in cloud or DevOps
- Linux fundamentals and Administration
Infrastructure Fundamentals
- Evolution of Computer
- Evolution of Infrastructure
- Monolithic systems
- Virtualization
- Virtualization Vendors
- Containers
- Introduction to Infrastructure as Code
Introduction to CLOUD COMPUTING
- What is Cloud computing
- Cloud computing History
- Cloud Computing Models
- Deployment Model
- Service Model
- Benefits of Cloud
- Planning
- Cloud Architecture
- Infrastructure components
- Infrastructure Constraints
- Cloud Services
Introduction to Amazon Web Services
- What is Amazon Web Services
- Registering your account
- Understanding different services
- Introduction to EC2
AWS Essentials
- Creating an EC2 Instance
- AMI Selection
- Pricing
- Instance Types
- Tags and Key Pairs
- Security Groups
- Elastic IPs and ELB
- Auto Scaling configuration
- IAM – Creating and Managing User Access
- Understanding AWS Network Management
- AWS Storage services
- S3 : Working with S3 storage
- Glacier
- Virtual Private Cloud – VPC
Introduction to Terraform.
- Terraform installation.
Terraform Basics
- Understanding Terraform HCL
- First steps in terraform – AWS Setup.
- First steps in terraform – Spinning up an instance.
- First steps in terraform – Summary.
- Terraform Variable Types
- Variables
- Software Provisioning
- Outputting attributes
- Remote state
- Data Sources
- Templates
- Modules
- Terraform commands overview
Navigate Terraform workflow
- Describe Terraform workflow ( Write -> Plan -> Create )
- Initialize a Terraform working directory (terraform init)
- Validate a Terraform configuration (terraform validate)
- Generate and review an execution plan for Terraform (terraform plan)
- Execute changes to infrastructure with Terraform (terraform apply)
- Destroy Terraform managed infrastructure (terraform destroy)
- Overview
- Infrastructure
- Automated Recovery
- Upgrades
- Log Forwarding
- Monitoring
- Backups and Restores
- Active/Active
- Terraform Cloud Agents on TFE
- Accessing the Admin Interface
- General Settings
- Customization
- Integration Settings
- Managing Accounts & Resources
- Module Sharing
- Admin API
Terraform with AWS.
- Introduction to VPC
- Launching vpc-c0f80da7
- Launching EC2 instance in VPC
- EBS Volume
- User data
- Static IP’s EIP’s and Route 53
- IAM roles
- Autoscaling
- Introduction to ELB and ALB
- ELB & ALB using Terraform.
- Elastic Beanstalk